Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Индии 2022

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Индии 2022

В 2021 году Индия успешно перевела свою экономику в режим восстановления, несмотря на крупные вспышки пандемии в первой половине года. Пол...


Biden's Asia Trade Policy One Year In

Biden's Asia Trade Policy One Year In

When Biden entered office this time last year, observers and businesses expected him to undo many of the previous administrations’ trade policies and engage more with allies in the Indo-Pacific.  With the first year down, we’re look...


Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

In this webinar, our China investment experts Guilherme Campos and Viktor Rojkov, provide insight and guidance on critical aspects for foreign investors to take into account for their business development and expansion in the new year.


Looking Ahead to 2022: Doing Business in India

Looking Ahead to 2022: Doing Business in India

Sunny Makhija and Radhika Gupta, International Business Advisory India team, share updates on India’s improving business environment and increasing scope of opportunities it offers to foreign investors.


An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022

An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022

This publication is designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in all ten ASEAN countries and includes a guide to corporate establishment, tax advisory, and bookkeeping, in addition to HR and payroll, double tax agreements, and audit and com...


All Eyes on Vietnam - Why 2022 is an Ideal Time to Invest

All Eyes on Vietnam - Why 2022 is an Ideal Time to Invest

In our webinar recording Dang Trinh (International Business Advisory Associate) and Thang Vu (Associate Manager, Tax) discuss key developments in Vietnam in 2021 and outlook for 2022 and the opportunities the county provides investors.


How Your Domicile Defines Individual Income Tax Treatment in China and the UK

How Your Domicile Defines Individual Income Tax Treatment in China and the UK

The first “Complex Made Easy” Video Series is live and available to watch! We are proud to announce the release of our first video series, Complex Made Easy, where our experts answer the most frequently asked questions on vario...


Permanent Establishment and Employing People in China and the UK Series

Permanent Establishment and Employing People in China and the UK Series

We are proud to announce the release of our second video series, Complex Made Easy, where our experts answer the most frequently asked questions on various areas of the Asian and British business environment. The second series, "Permanent ...


Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

В этом выпуске журнала АСЕАН Брифинг мы рассматриваем эффективную процедуру регистрации компании в Сингапуре и сравниваем Гонконг и Си...


Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы подробно расскажем о процедурах экспорта из Вьетнама с соблюдением правил определения страны...


Tax Incentives in China: How Businesses Can Successfully Utilize Them

Tax Incentives in China: How Businesses Can Successfully Utilize Them

Hannah Feng, Partner at Dezan Shira & Associates, will discuss the current tax incentive policies and local implementations with a focus on the high-tech industry and specific regions in China such as the Greater Bay Area (GBA), Hainan Free Trade Por...


Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam: Get Ready for 2022

Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam: Get Ready for 2022

Subject to varying requirements, all foreign entities in Vietnam are required to comply with statutory audit procedures outlined in the law and clarified by numerous decisions and circulars. Working to ensure compliance with up-to-date procedures and...

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