Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion

Using Singapore as a Base for ASEAN Expansion

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the efficient incorporation process in Singapore and compare Hong Kong and Singapore as holding locations. We then explore how investors can benefit from Singapore’s tax polici...


A Guide to Exporting from Vietnam

A Guide to Exporting from Vietnam

Vietnam follows an export-led growth model, combining trade liberalization and investment incentives to spur export-oriented manufacturing. This has allowed Vietnam to accelerate growth, steadily, over the last decade, and become a leading low-cost s...


Asia's New Transfer Pricing Landscape: The Effect of BEPS 2.0 (China, Singapore,...

Asia's New Transfer Pricing Landscape: The Effect of BEPS 2.0 (China, Singapore,...

Dezan Shira & Associates' transfer pricing specialist from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and India, welcome you to increase your understanding of transfer pricing across these regions, and will share with you the most recent practices in each...


Investire in Indonesia 2021

Investire in Indonesia 2021

L’edizione 2021 di questa guida infografica fornisce una brillante introduzione al panorama degli investimenti in Indonesia e agli aspetti chiave per intraprendere un business nel Paese.


Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

Watch this webinar to understand the income tax rules for expats working in India along with tips for managing finances and reducing the tax burden.


Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

Taxation for Foreign Nationals in India

In this Q&A session, we speak with International Business Advisory Manager Krishan Aggarwal to discuss some of the commonly asked questions that we receive from our subscribers related to taxation for expats in India.


China's Greater Bay Area: Exploring Key Sectors for Direct Investment and M&A

China's Greater Bay Area: Exploring Key Sectors for Direct Investment and M&A

To help investors gain a clearer understanding of this vital and dynamic region and to help them better prepare for growth and opportunities, we bring together a panel of top foreign business experts from four leading China business consulting organi...


Guida alle Filiere Produttive in Vietnam e L’Accordo EVFTA

Guida alle Filiere Produttive in Vietnam e L’Accordo EVFTA

Le catene produttive vietnamite hanno avuto una importante evoluzione nel corso dell’ultima decade. Ad oggi, le filiere produttive trasferite in Vietnam sono in costante aumento, aiutate in parte dalla Trade War tra USA e Cina, ma in linea con una ...


Summit India-UE 2020: Quando un Accordo di Libero Scambio?

Summit India-UE 2020: Quando un Accordo di  Libero Scambio?

Le trattative per un patto commerciale e di investimento fra le due regioni sono rimaste ferme per alcuni anni a causa delle resistenze ad assicurare libero accesso al mercato per le merci e professioni. Ora Bruxelles e Dehli intendono alleggerire la...


Business Recovery in ASEAN After COVID-19

Business Recovery in ASEAN After COVID-19

Southeast Asia has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic as much of the rest of the world. In response, countries across the ASEAN bloc have issued various stimulus packages containing incentives and new regulations to mitigate the economic impact...


Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam

Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam

Given the difficulties foreign investors are facing when considering and developing a supply chain relocation strategy in the current context of the pandemic, the webinar explained why Vietnam features high on the radar for foreign businesses scaling...


Investing in Vietnam

Investing in Vietnam

This infographic reviews the investment environment in Vietnam. If you would would like to dive deeper in the topic, please refer to An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2020 and Vietnam Briefing.

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