Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



A Guide to Foreign Investment in Vietnam

A Guide to Foreign Investment in Vietnam

Vietnam’s lure of a favorable investment environment, including competitive costs, talent market, and free trade agreements, have made it an ideal location for investors seeking to diversify supply chains and lower operation costs. While this is a ...


Investire in Indonesia 2021

Investire in Indonesia 2021

L’edizione 2021 di questa guida infografica fornisce una brillante introduzione al panorama degli investimenti in Indonesia e agli aspetti chiave per intraprendere un business nel Paese.


Crash Course on Starting a Business in Indonesia 2021

Crash Course on Starting a Business in Indonesia 2021

It is an exciting time to start your investment in Indonesia. In this webinar, Jennifer Halim, our Senior Associate of International Business Advisory, guides investors through the fundamentals of doing business in Indonesia.


Vietnam’s Policies and Supporting Packages for Businesses Impacted by the Four...

Vietnam’s Policies and Supporting Packages for Businesses Impacted by the Four...

The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the policies and supporting packages for businesses in the context Vietnam’s fourth wave of COVID-19 which has taken a toll on the country's economy.


ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking

ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of current talent availability in ASEAN, and future factors that will impact human resource development in the region. We then explore hiring costs in the bloc before finally focusi...


Перенос Вашего Производства во Вьетнам

Перенос Вашего Производства во Вьетнам

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы рассмотрим способы планирования вашего переезда, а также варианты выхода на рынок Вьетнама. З...


Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia

Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia

Watch our webinar, Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia, to learn about the market and business fundamentals in Malaysia.


Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021

Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021

Watch our webinar, Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021, where Filippo Bortoletti, our Senior Manager of International Business Advisory, provided investors with a holistic overview of Vietnam’s economy and shares his advice on Vietnam market e...


Investire in Vietnam 2021

Investire in Vietnam 2021

Il 2020 è un anno che le aziende difficilmente dimenticheranno a causa della pandemia che ha interrotto le catene di approvvigionamento globali, con conseguenti perdite di affari significative. Tuttavia, il Vietnam è riuscito a raggiungere una cres...


How to Set Up a Factory in Vietnam: From Location to Compliance

How to Set Up a Factory in Vietnam: From Location to Compliance

Many foreign investors looking into Vietnam may be overwhelmed when considering available options. In this webinar, Dustin Daugherty, Head of North American Business Development, broke down the regions of Vietnam and addressed their strengths and wea...


Gateway to Singapore: Guide to Singapore Employment Permits 2021

Gateway to Singapore: Guide to Singapore Employment Permits 2021

In this webinar, Gateway to Singapore: Guide to Singapore Employment Permits 2021, Marcos Salgado, Manager based in Singapore, delivered a webinar to guide foreign corporations through the complexity of obtaining work passes in Singapore and prov...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...

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