Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



When is a person eligible to collect unemployment insurance compensation in Chin...

When is a person eligible to collect unemployment insurance compensation in Chin...

An unemployed person that meets the following conditions can collect unemployment insurance compensation: Both the employer and the unemployed person have paid unemployment insurance premiums for one year before the person became unemployed; The ...


How does an employee in China apply for the benefits of the work-related injury ...

How does an employee in China apply for the benefits of the work-related injury ...

Employees should submit work injury determination applications with the social insurance administration department within 30 days of the accident or of being diagnosed with an occupational disease, and are required to show proof of the employment rel...


Are employees entitled to paid leave for rehabilitation due to work-related inju...

Are employees entitled to paid leave for rehabilitation due to work-related inju...

Yes, employees are entitled to paid leave for rehabilitation in China. This should generally not exceed 12 months except when due to serious injuries or under exceptional circumstances. The company will remain liable for paying full salary to the emp...


How is the housing fund premium determined in China?

How is the housing fund premium determined in China?

The monthly housing fund premium is determined by the employee’s previous year’s average wage, or the first month’s salary for a new employee, and the statutory contribution ratio. The statutory maximum contribution amount is cal...


What are the consequences of a foreigner leaving China before they can use their...

What are the consequences of a foreigner leaving China before they can use their...

If the foreigner leaves China prior to reaching the prescribed statutory age for pension withdrawal, their social insurance personal account will be retained, and the contribution years will be calculated on a cumulative basis if they come back to Ch...


As of November 2013, which countries have bilateral or multilateral social secur...

As of November 2013, which countries have bilateral or multilateral social secur...

Currently, only Germany and South Korea have entered into social insurance agreements with China. The Interim Measures for Participation in the Social Insurance System by Foreigners Working within the Territory of China provides that expatriate emplo...


When was China?s first Social Insurance Law issued?

When was China?s first Social Insurance Law issued?

China’s first comprehensive Social Insurance Law was passed in 2010 and came into effect on July 1st, 2011. By issuing this law, the government consolidated previous rules and regulations under a standardized national social security framework ...


Does the Chinese Social Insurance Law cover the housing fund?

Does the Chinese Social Insurance Law cover the housing fund?

The housing fund is generally included within the scope of mandatory welfare and regarded as a form of social insurance in China because the additional costs are mandatory, with contributions coming from both the employer and the employee. However, s...


Do foreign companies in China need to pay insurance for their employees?

Do foreign companies in China need to pay insurance for their employees?

All companies registered in China are required to pay the insurance premiums for and on behalf of their employees. Premium payments can add more than 30 percent to the salary cost of each employee for the employer, and take up about 10 percent of an ...


How many medical insurance programs does China have and which ones are mandatory...

How many medical insurance programs does China have and which ones are mandatory...

China currently has three medical insurance programs: Urban employee basic medical insurance; Urban resident basic medical insurance; and New rural cooperative medical insurance. The urban employee basic medical insurance is mandatory for urb...


How many pension programs does China have and which ones are compulsory?

How many pension programs does China have and which ones are compulsory?

China has three pension programs: Basic pension insurance scheme for urban employees Urban residents pension program Rural pension program. The basic pension insurance scheme for urban employees is compulsory, the other two programs are for r...


Is it possible for an individual to transfer their pension funds to another juri...

Is it possible for an individual to transfer their pension funds to another juri...

When an employee moves from one jurisdiction to another, they will be able to transfer their pension funds and, when they retire, they will be able to receive a pension amount based on the entire amount of their accumulated funds. Once the personal a...

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