Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Quali sono i tipi di Visti d?affare per le Filippine?

Quali sono i tipi di Visti d?affare per le Filippine?

I tipi di visti sono: Il visto 9 (A): tale visto copre qualsiasi attività d’affari di breve periodo svolta da n lavoratore straniero nelle Filippine ed è valido per 59 giorni; Il visto 9 (D): tale visto copre due ...


Quali sono i documenti necessari per richiedere il permesso di lavoro in Tailand...

Quali sono i documenti necessari per richiedere il permesso di lavoro in Tailand...

Per presentare la domanda sia il dipendente straniero che il datore di lavoro devono presentare i documenti necessari al Ministero del Lavoro. Per il richiedente: Passaporto; Fototessera formato passaporto; Certificato Medi...


Quali sono i tipi di Visti d?affare per il Vietnam?

Quali sono i tipi di Visti d?affare per il Vietnam?

I tipi di visto sono: B2: per l’attuazione di progetti di invstimento già autorizzati dalle amministrazioni statali vietnamite: B3: per lavorare presso aziende vietnamite: B4: per lavorare presso uffici di rapprese...


Quali sono le condizioni che esonerano il cittadino straniero dalla necessit de...

Quali sono le condizioni che esonerano il cittadino straniero dalla necessit de...

Lavorare in Vietnam per un periodo inferiore a 3 mesi; Essere socio di una società a reposnsabilita limitata (LLC) in Vietnam con due o più soci; Essere il propietario di una LLC con un solo socio; Essere un mem...


Comparison between China wages with other Asian countries

Comparison between China wages with other Asian countries

This infographic details the different amount of minimum wage across countries in Asia and draws comparisons with China.


Mandatory Benefit Administration and Payroll Processing in China

Mandatory Benefit Administration and Payroll Processing in China

A presentation by Adam Livermore, Partner and Regional Manager, demonstrating a typical payroll processing implementation, the usage of dispatch agreements and the responsibilities of the employer with regards to the mandatory benefits system in Chin...


An Introduction to Social Welfare in China and Its Potential Effect on Foreign E...

An Introduction to Social Welfare in China and Its Potential Effect on Foreign E...

A presentation by Adam Livermore, Partner and Regional Manager, outlining the current situation in China regarding insurance, mandatory benefits and pensions.


Payroll Processing and HR Administration

Payroll Processing and HR Administration

Adam Livermore, Partner and Regional Manager, discusses outsourced payroll processing procedures and services as well as HR administration services.


Explaining the Monthly Payroll Process in China: What Does Your HR Manager Reall...

Explaining the Monthly Payroll Process in China: What Does Your HR Manager Reall...

This presentation by Adam Livermore, Payroll & HR Admin Manager, will draw a practical guide on monthly payroll processing for your business in China from a HR manager perspective.


HR Administration, Social Insurance and Payroll in China

HR Administration, Social Insurance and Payroll in China

This presentation by Jerome Van Huigenbos, Senior Associate, will review the social welfare system in China and present an analysis of the system costs, HR admin procedures, and payroll implementation.


Do female employees get paid maternity leave in China?

Do female employees get paid maternity leave in China?

The Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Female Workers promulgated by the Chinese State Council on April 28, 2012, state that a pregnant female employee should be given 98 days of maternity leave, of which 15 days can be taken prior to givin...


What are the regulations regarding unemployment insurance in China?

What are the regulations regarding unemployment insurance in China?

Employers should contribute 2 percent of the total salary paid to its employees to the unemployment insurance fund, while employees should pay 1 percent of their own wages to the fund. The Unemployment Insurance Regulations provide that the amount o...

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