Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How can a company reduce the number of staff in China?

How can a company  reduce the number of staff in China?

Chinese employees are entitled to two consecutive fixed-term contracts and then an open-term contract if requested by the employees. At the end of the first term, the company can simply choose not to renew the labor contract with that employee in ord...


What common labor related issues can arise during company divestiture in China?

What common labor related issues can arise during company divestiture in China?

If a company sells part of its assets and this part involves certain employees , the original labor contracts of these employees become  no longer valid and the purchasing company has the choice as to whether to  employ the current staff. T...


What are some of the steps required to settle labor issues when a company wishes...

What are some of the steps required to settle labor issues when a company wishes...

When a company de-registers and closes its operations, current labor contracts will be automatically terminated and affected employees will be entitled to the severance payment. In order for foreign companies to legally de-register, they need to...


Labor Dispute Management in China

Labor Dispute Management in China

In this issue of China Briefing, we discuss how best to manage HR disputes in China. We begin by highlighting how China'€™s labor arbitration process€“ - and its legal system in general€“ - widely differs from the West, and then detail the labo...


Labor Dispute Resolution Procedures in China

Labor Dispute Resolution Procedures in China

This infographic shows you what actions can be taken and related stipulations when companies have labor disputes with their employees.


Correlation between Increasing Labor Dispute Cases with GDP Growth and Average A...

Correlation between Increasing Labor Dispute Cases with GDP Growth and Average A...

Labor disputes in China have been rising in conjunction with the slowdown in China's GDP and the increase in average annual wages.


City Snapshot: Labor Dispute in Shanghai

City Snapshot: Labor Dispute in Shanghai

This infographic shows the volume of labor disputes and the mediation percentage by area in Shanghai.


Straordinari in ASEAN

Straordinari in ASEAN

La seguente tabella mostra le ore di lavoro e le limitazioni agli straordinari in ASEAN.


Company Deregistration in China

Company Deregistration in China

Closing down a company requires both time and cost – simply walking away might seemingly save the investor these expenses in the short term. However, for investors with a future perspective on doing business in China or looking to close potentia...


The Cost of Doing Business in ASEAN Compared with China

The Cost of Doing Business in ASEAN Compared with China

In this issue of Asia Briefing magazine, we provide a comprehensive overview of the cost of doing business in China compared with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). We analyze some of the key considerations that will impact upon the ...


Upgrading Your China Business

Upgrading Your China Business

Representative Offices in China are not permitted to trade and cannot have their own import-export licenses. In this report we discuss why foreign companies in China increasingly choose to move away from Representative Offices (ROs) and open up Wholl...


Vietnam - New Workshop of the World

Vietnam - New Workshop of the World

As manufacturing costs in China, and locations around the world, continue to rise, investors are searching for the new low-cost destination for their operations. Vietnam has arisen as a key manufacturing location in Southeast Asia.

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