Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the penalties if a representative office (RO) fails to provide its repo...

What are the penalties if a representative office (RO) fails to provide its repo...

Penalties of RMB 10,000 to RMB 30,000 are applicable if the RO fails to provide its report to the AIC on time, and a RMB 20,000 to RMB 200,000 penalty applies if the report includes false information. Failure to comply may also lead to revocation of ...


Do representative offices (ROs) need to complete a tax reconciliation report of ...

Do representative offices (ROs) need to complete a tax reconciliation report of ...

ROs are obliged to complete a tax reconciliation report of CIT as part of their annual compliance. The report should be submitted to its local tax bureau by May 31. Usually an audit report is not required for ROs paying CIT based on a deemed profit s...


Which R&D expenses are deductible from a company?s taxable income in China?

Which R&D expenses are deductible from a company?s taxable income in China?

The following R&D expenses are deductible from a company’s taxable income in China: Basic pension, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing funds contributed by the e...


What is the corporate income tax (CIT) treatment on cross-border secondment of e...

What is the corporate income tax (CIT) treatment on cross-border secondment of e...

When a non-resident enterprise (NRE) dispatches personnel to China to provide services, and the NRE normally examines and assesses the performance of the dispatched personnel, and is wholly or partially responsible for their performance, the NRE will...


How are value-added tax and business tax defined in China?

How are value-added tax and business tax defined in China?

Value-added tax is levied on the sales and import of tangible goods, and the provision of processing, repair and replacement services. Depending on the status of the taxpayer, being either small-scale or general, the tax rate ranges from 3 percent &n...


Are value-added tax (VAT) and business tax mutually deductible in China?

Are value-added tax (VAT) and business tax mutually deductible in China?

Value-added tax (VAT) and business tax (BT) are not mutually deductible in China. This means that businesses selling and importing goods are not able to claim deduction for the purchase of services, while service providers are not able to claim deduc...


What are the value-added tax (VAT) rates in China as of December 2013?

What are the value-added tax (VAT) rates in China as of December 2013?

Transportation services are subject to 11 percent VAT and modern services are subject to 6 percent VAT, except for tangible property lease services which are subject to 17 percent. Exported services are zero-rated or exempt from VAT. Zero-rated VAT a...


What are the different statuses for value-added tax (VAT) payers in China?

What are the different statuses for value-added tax (VAT) payers in China?

VAT taxpayer statuses are divided into two categories: general taxpayers and small-scale taxpayers. General taxpayers are taxpayers with an annual sales volume of taxable services equivalent to or exceeding RMB5 million, while small-scale taxpayers a...


What if an entity provides services that are subject to different value-added ta...

What if an entity provides services that are subject to different value-added ta...

If a taxpayer provides taxable services that are subject to different rates, the sales volume for each tax rate should be accounted for separately, or else the highest tax rate applies. Similarly, VAT taxpayers who concurrently provide services subje...


How is value-added tax (VAT) calculated for foreign entities or individuals in C...

How is value-added tax (VAT) calculated for foreign entities or individuals in C...

If an overseas entity or individual provides taxable services in China and does not have an operating entity in China, the tax withholding party should calculate the amount of tax to be withheld using the following formula: Amount of tax to be wit...


What is the difference between zero-rated value-added tax (VAT) and VAT exempt s...

What is the difference between zero-rated value-added tax (VAT) and VAT exempt s...

The difference between zero-rated and exempted VAT is that, under zero-rated VAT the input VAT attributable to the export of services can be credited from VAT payable and/or refunded. Under the VAT exemption system, the input VAT attributable to expo...


What happens if a service is eligible for both value-added tax (VAT) zero-rating...

What happens if a service is eligible for both value-added tax (VAT) zero-rating...

If a service is eligible for both VAT zero-rating and VAT exemption, VAT zero-rating takes precedence over VAT exemption. Providers of zero-rated VAT services may opt to pay VAT or apply for VAT exemption instead by filing a relevant declaration. How...

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