Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Due Diligence per le Aziende Straniere in India

Due Diligence per le Aziende Straniere in India

In questo numero di India Briefing, presentiamo gli aspetti chiave sui quali le aziende straniere devono puntare l’attenzione nel processo di due diligence relativo ad una società operante in India e analizziamo i diversi tipi di due diligence a c...


Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Prepare for 2021

Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Prepare for 2021

The start of a new year tends to be a hectic time for foreign companies in China. During this period, businesses must also begin to prepare their annual statutory audit – if they have not started to do so already. In this issue of China Briefing ma...


Where to Invest in India 2021: Insights into State Rankings, Focus Sectors, and ...

Where to Invest in India 2021: Insights into State Rankings, Focus Sectors, and ...

Watch this webinar to know more about top Indian states for foreign investors and how they compete amongst each other in terms of ease of doing business, industrial policies, and focus sectors.


Restructuring Your China Business to Outperform in the New Normal

Restructuring Your China Business to Outperform in the New Normal

The year 2020 challenged businesses around the world with the early breakout of the pandemic. Companies around the world will likely need to make more difficult decisions going into 2021, exploring strategies to bolster their operational sustainabili...


Strategies for Effectively Managing Company Downsizing and Salary Reduction

Strategies for Effectively Managing Company Downsizing and Salary Reduction

Affected by the epidemic, economies around the world have been hard hit, forcing many companies to face difficult HR challenges. In these uncertain times, companies must efficiently allocate their human resources by adjusting their internal organizat...


Optimizing Your China Accounting with Cloud Technology

Optimizing Your China Accounting with Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has revolutionized accounting software. In China, despite its reputation for bureaucracy and paper-based processes, cloud-enabled apps have reduced much of the workload in the sphere of accounting for companies of all sizes.


Preventing Fraud Risks in the Time of Crisis

Preventing Fraud Risks in the Time of Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis has many companies facing significant operational, financial, and strategic challenges. In the wake of Covid-19, we believe that the risk of internal fraud will reach unprecedented levels.  Companies need to be extra vigilant...


Employee Termination Procedure and Severance Pay Calculation in China

Employee Termination Procedure and Severance Pay Calculation in China

As COVID-19 sweeps across the globe, many companies are facing financial and operational difficulties. In order to save on manpower costs, employers may choose to downsize within the organization. However, how should companies handle layoffs legally...


COVID-19: Impact, Response and Opportunities in Indonesia

COVID-19: Impact, Response and Opportunities in Indonesia

As Indonesia, along with other countries, continues to fight the COVID-19 curve, its government remains active in taking steps to address the pandemic. Many measures have been taken to combat COVID-19 and boost the nation’s economy, such as through...


Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam

Relocating Supply Chains to Vietnam

Given the difficulties foreign investors are facing when considering and developing a supply chain relocation strategy in the current context of the pandemic, the webinar explained why Vietnam features high on the radar for foreign businesses scaling...


How to Sell to the Post-Covid19 Consumer Market in China

How to Sell to the Post-Covid19 Consumer Market in China

On June 2nd, Maria Kotova, Head of UK & Ireland Desk, presented a webinar “How to Sell to Post-Covid-19 Consumer Market in China”. The coronavirus pandemic in China has abruptly changed people’s buying habits, preferences, and ...


La Cina Al Tempo Del Covid-19. Le Opportunità Da Cogliere

La Cina Al Tempo Del Covid-19. Le Opportunità Da Cogliere

How is China coping with restarting the economy after the COVID19 pandemic? What sectors are advantaged and which opportunities should be seized by businesses in the coming months?

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