Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Investire in Vietnam 2021

Investire in Vietnam 2021

Il 2020 è un anno che le aziende difficilmente dimenticheranno a causa della pandemia che ha interrotto le catene di approvvigionamento globali, con conseguenti perdite di affari significative. Tuttavia, il Vietnam è riuscito a raggiungere una cres...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...


Investieren in Vietnam 2021

Investieren in Vietnam 2021

2020 ist ein Jahr, welches sicherlich nicht in Vergessenheit geraten wird. In welches die Unternehmen wegen der weltweiten Störung der Lieferketten durch die Pandemie, die zu erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Verlusten führte. Nichtsdestotrotz konnte Vi...


Investing in Vietnam 2021

Investing in Vietnam 2021

2020 is a year that businesses are unlikely to forget due to the pandemic that disrupted global supply chains resulting in significant business losses. Nevertheless, Vietnam managed to achieve positive economic growth, recording an increase of 2.91% ...


India-Vietnam Trade Opportunities

India-Vietnam Trade Opportunities

India has enormous growth potential to provide IT and business services, zinc, steel, and fibers to Vietnam. Vietnam’s exports to India have a remarkable scope to increase in cotton, business support, and knitted clothing in addition to an already ...


M&A Opportunities in Vietnam

M&A Opportunities in Vietnam

Vietnam is one of the world’s most attractive markets for M&As, forecast to be second to the US only in 2021 and 2022 by Euromonitor. In order to equip investors with timely information about available M&A opportunities in the country, Dezan Shira ...


Investing in Vietnam

Investing in Vietnam

This infographic reviews the investment environment in Vietnam. If you would would like to dive deeper in the topic, please refer to An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2020 and Vietnam Briefing.


List of Countries Eligible for E-Visa in Vietnam

List of Countries Eligible for E-Visa in Vietnam

Info-graphic showing the citizens of countries eligible for e-visas when entering Vietnam


Tax calculation for Imports & Exports in Vietnam

Tax calculation for Imports & Exports in Vietnam

Tax rates and tax calculations for imports and exports in Vietnam


Certificate of Origin Issuing Authority - ASEAN Countries

Certificate of Origin Issuing Authority - ASEAN Countries


Consumer Profiles in Vietnam

Consumer Profiles in Vietnam


Comparing the Different Distribution Models in Vietnam

Comparing the Different Distribution Models in Vietnam

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