Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Bilancio di fine 2021 su Cina, India, Vietnam e ASEAN

Bilancio di fine 2021 su Cina, India, Vietnam e ASEAN

Nonostante il 2021 non sia stato, sotto molti aspetti, diverso dal 2020, ci sono stati alcuni elementi che si sono rivelati fondamentali per noi in Asia - in particolare la crescita economica. Noi dell’Italian desk desideriamo concludere ...


Case Study: Fortune 500 Consumer Electronics Company Reduces Operational Costs T...

Case Study: Fortune 500 Consumer Electronics Company Reduces Operational Costs T...

This Fortune 500 company has an intricate supply chain - contract manufacturing hundreds of components and parts for its consumer electronics products. Previously based primarily in China, manufacturing has slowly been moved to other locations around...


Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Se il vostro progetto di internazionalizzazione è pronto, ma necessita di un finanziamento per poter essere realizzato, vi proponiamo mensilmente una serie di opportunità che possono fare al caso vostro: un flash sui principali finanzia...


Case Study: Education Sector in China

Case Study: Education Sector in China

For foreign investors in the education industry, there are a number of restrictions on investments; many organizations operate in the market through joint-ventures or programs with local partners. It is not uncommon for this reliance on external shar...


Cosa prevede il nuovo Greater Bay Area Plan?

Cosa prevede il nuovo Greater Bay Area Plan?

Il 18 Febbraio i policymaker cinesi hanno finalmente reso pubblico il progetto per lo sviluppo della Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macau Greater Bay Area.


Investimenti Diretti Esteri In Cina

Investimenti Diretti Esteri In Cina

Il 15 Marzo 2019 è stata approvata la nuova, fondamentale legge che regolerà gli investimenti esteri in Cina a partire dal 1° Gennaio 2020. La nuova Foreign Investment Law (FIL) indica chiaramente la volontà del Governo cinese di aprire ulteriorm...


What is Made in China and Why has it Made the World so Nervous? (什么是《中...

What is Made in China and Why has it Made the World so Nervous? (什么是《中...

作者: Dezan Shira & Associates 《中国制造2025》旨在推动中国从低端产品制造商转型为高端产品制造商。这个目标可以很好地挖掘中国日益富裕的国内消费群体及具有附加值的全球采购部门。 ...


China's Import and Export Tariff Cuts - 2019 中国进口关税和出口关...

China's Import and Export Tariff Cuts -  2019     中国进口关税和出口关...

作者: Dezan Shira & Associates 中国宣布从2019年1月1日起下调部分进出口关税。 为了降低消费者成本及进一步开放本国经济,中国将从2019年1月1日起对706种产品的实施进口暂定税率。 根据财...


HR and Payroll in China: Eight Quick Tips That Can Make a Difference

HR and Payroll in China: Eight Quick Tips That Can Make a Difference

A firm understanding of China’s laws and regulations relating to human resources and payroll management is essential for foreign investors who want to establish or are already running foreign-invested entities in China. In China, there are a w...


China’s IIT Reform: Seven Key Points from the Draft Implementation Rules

China’s IIT Reform: Seven Key Points from the Draft Implementation Rules

Many taxpayers in China have had questions about how the government would change the individual income tax (IIT) law since the amendment was passed earlier this year. Recently, however, the tax authorities released a draft of the amendment&...


Modes of Setting Up for Foreign Businesses - Corporate Establishment in China

Modes of Setting Up for Foreign Businesses - Corporate Establishment in China

Foreign firms investing in China’s complex and diverse market may be faced with various legal, regulatory as well as cultural challenges when preparing for market entry. If these challenges are not handled with caution and vigilance, a foreign ent...


How to Structure Your Investments in China – Corporate Establishment Quick Fac...

How to Structure Your Investments in China – Corporate Establishment Quick Fac...

Foreign firms investing in China’s complex and diverse market may be faced with various legal, regulatory as well as cultural challenges when preparing for market entry. If these challenges are not handled with caution and vigilance, a foreign...

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