Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



China M&A Outlook: Trends and Strategies

China M&A Outlook: Trends and Strategies

China remains the world’s hottest market for several industries, with high prospects for growth, innovation, and investment. Alongside the optimistic outlook, there are some emerging market trends and regulatory developments that affect the scope, ...


Mergers and Acquisitions in India

Mergers and Acquisitions in India

In this latest issue of India Briefing Magazine, we analyze the latest merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in India, including hot sectors for deals and trends shaping future developments, most prominently the role of digital disruptors and startup...


Finding an Ideal Location – Utilizing Vietnam’s Economic Regions

Finding an Ideal Location – Utilizing Vietnam’s Economic Regions

Vietnam has long established itself as a favorable destination for investors wanting to diversify their Asia presence. In recent years, this decision has appealed to many businesses dealing with trade shocks and border closures associated with the pa...


Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China

Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China

China’s transition to a green, low-carbon, and circular economy will have far-reaching socioeconomic, industrial, and business impact as economic and consumption behavior will be directly related to the country’s progress on tackling climate chan...


India's Transition to Clean Mobility: Investment Landscape and Future Prospects

India's Transition to Clean Mobility: Investment Landscape and Future Prospects

Transportation claims a major share in India’s growth story, and factors like technology, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability have been redefining mobility solutions. Technological advancements and efforts to transition to cleaner alte...


Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support

Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support

Vietnam’s digital economy has seen significant growth over the last decade and is expected to be valued at US$57 billion by 2025. The country’s digital transformation is well underway and accelerated by the pandemic as businesses consider the pos...


Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

В этом выпуске журнала АСЕАН Брифинг мы рассматриваем эффективную процедуру регистрации компании в Сингапуре и сравниваем Гонконг и Си...


Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы подробно расскажем о процедурах экспорта из Вьетнама с соблюдением правил определения страны...


Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022

Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the audit and compliance requirements in ASEAN’s six largest economies. We then explore the length of IFRS adoption in ASEAN and provide answers to often asked questions about ASEA...


Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam: Get Ready for 2022

Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam: Get Ready for 2022

Subject to varying requirements, all foreign entities in Vietnam are required to comply with statutory audit procedures outlined in the law and clarified by numerous decisions and circulars. Working to ensure compliance with up-to-date procedures and...


Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Get Ready for 2022

Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Get Ready for 2022

With the scope and penalties of China’s social credit system being further clarified in 2021, legal and regulatory compliance has become more important than ever. More attention should be given to the annual compliance procedures as mandated by var...


Accessing Indian Consumers from Overseas and Opportunities in the Digital Econom...

Accessing Indian Consumers from Overseas and Opportunities in the Digital Econom...

The magazine provides a general overview of the options available to foreign firms to sell to the online Indian market, including suitable market entry strategies and business models, industry regulation, and consumer trends. We also provide informat...

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