Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Ведущие Производственные Центры Индии для ...

Ведущие Производственные Центры Индии для ...

В этом выпуске Индия Брифинг мы представляем обзор изменений, делающих более жизнеспособными инвестиции в производство в Индии. Затем ...


Перенос Вашего Производства во Вьетнам

Перенос Вашего Производства во Вьетнам

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы рассмотрим способы планирования вашего переезда, а также варианты выхода на рынок Вьетнама. З...


Аудит и Соответствие Требованиям по Отчетн...

Аудит и Соответствие Требованиям по Отчетн...

В этом выпуске журнала "Индия Брифинг" мы предлагаем читателям обзор типов и процессов аудита в Индии, включая общие требования и докуме...


Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Preparing for the Coming E-Fapiao Era

Over the last few months, China has been quickly expanding the pilot program on electronic special value-added tax (VAT) fapiao (hereafter special VAT e-fapiao). First trialed in Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Shijiazhuang, China expanded the pilot program on...


India’s Leading Manufacturing Hubs for Foreign Investment

India’s Leading Manufacturing Hubs for Foreign Investment

We provide an overview of the reforms and incentives offered to make India a more viable manufacturing investment destination. This is followed by a spotlight on top performing states and the latest programs marshaling India’s infrastructure growth...


Relocating Your Production to Vietnam

Relocating Your Production to Vietnam

Vietnam’s successful pandemic response and export led growth model have accelerated its levels of productivity and kept supply chains moving with limited disruption. Yet, choosing to move operations to Vietnam is not without its share of challenges...


Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Digital Economy

Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Digital Economy

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of Indonesia’s digital economy, its vibrant startup scene, and how investors can utilize Singapore as a base for expansion into the country. We then analyze Indonesia’s new laws...


Investing in China’s Greater Bay Area

Investing in China’s Greater Bay Area

Since the formulation of the GBA Initiative in 2017, business communities have placed high expectation on the coordinated development among GBA cities, as the removal of barriers that limit the movement of trade, capital, information, and people—co...


Audit and Compliance in India

Audit and Compliance in India

India’s audit regulations require businesses to comply with various types of audits, governed under different laws. Since the commencement of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in 2017, businesses and entrepreneurs in India are also required to c...


Vietnam’s Southern Key Economic Region – A Magnet for Investment

Vietnam’s Southern Key Economic Region – A Magnet for Investment

Vietnam’s successful containment of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recently ratified Vietnam EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has reassured investors. Upbeat manufacturers have even relocated production to the country. In this context, it is importan...


L'Ufficio di Rappresentanza in Vietnam: Procedure e Adempimenti per la Costituzi...

L'Ufficio di Rappresentanza in Vietnam: Procedure e Adempimenti per la Costituzi...

Il Vietnam continua a mostrare forte crescita nonostante il perdurare della crisi pandemica, portando gli imprenditori a considerare il paese quale destinazione ideale per nuovi investimenti. In questo contesto è importante conoscere i principali ti...


Due Diligence per le Aziende Straniere in India

Due Diligence per le Aziende Straniere in India

In questo numero di India Briefing, presentiamo gli aspetti chiave sui quali le aziende straniere devono puntare l’attenzione nel processo di due diligence relativo ad una società operante in India e analizziamo i diversi tipi di due diligence a c...

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