Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Vietnam’s Southern Key Economic Region – A Magnet for Investment

Vietnam’s Southern Key Economic Region – A Magnet for Investment

Vietnam’s successful containment of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recently ratified Vietnam EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has reassured investors. Upbeat manufacturers have even relocated production to the country. In this context, it is importan...


L'Ufficio di Rappresentanza in Vietnam: Procedure e Adempimenti per la Costituzi...

L'Ufficio di Rappresentanza in Vietnam: Procedure e Adempimenti per la Costituzi...

Il Vietnam continua a mostrare forte crescita nonostante il perdurare della crisi pandemica, portando gli imprenditori a considerare il paese quale destinazione ideale per nuovi investimenti. In questo contesto è importante conoscere i principali ti...


Due Diligence per le Aziende Straniere in India

Due Diligence per le Aziende Straniere in India

In questo numero di India Briefing, presentiamo gli aspetti chiave sui quali le aziende straniere devono puntare l’attenzione nel processo di due diligence relativo ad una società operante in India e analizziamo i diversi tipi di due diligence a c...


Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Prepare for 2021

Annual Audit and Compliance in China: Prepare for 2021

The start of a new year tends to be a hectic time for foreign companies in China. During this period, businesses must also begin to prepare their annual statutory audit – if they have not started to do so already. In this issue of China Briefing ma...


Restructuring Your China Business to Outperform in the New Normal

Restructuring Your China Business to Outperform in the New Normal

The year 2020 challenged businesses around the world with the early breakout of the pandemic. Companies around the world will likely need to make more difficult decisions going into 2021, exploring strategies to bolster their operational sustainabili...


Representative Office in Vietnam: Procedures and Compliances for Setting Up and ...

Representative Office in Vietnam: Procedures and Compliances for Setting Up and ...

Vietnam continues to showcase strong growth patterns despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, leading investors to favorably consider the country as an ideal location for new investment. In this context, it is important to understand the prevailing off...


Guida alle Filiere Produttive in Vietnam e L’Accordo EVFTA

Guida alle Filiere Produttive in Vietnam e L’Accordo EVFTA

Le catene produttive vietnamite hanno avuto una importante evoluzione nel corso dell’ultima decade. Ad oggi, le filiere produttive trasferite in Vietnam sono in costante aumento, aiutate in parte dalla Trade War tra USA e Cina, ma in linea con una ...


Optimizing Your China Accounting and HR Processing with Cloud Technology

Optimizing Your China Accounting and HR Processing with Cloud Technology

Most businesses with experience in China are accustomed to the complex, paper-intensive, and laborious manual procedures required to execute back office functions like accounting, human resources (HR), and payroll. New technology solutions are changi...


Assessing Vietnam’s Economic Prospects for Foreign Investors After COVID-19

Assessing Vietnam’s Economic Prospects for Foreign Investors After COVID-19

The start of 2020 began with COVID-19, restricting travel, disrupting global supply chains, and causing large scale unemployment due to significant losses incurred by global businesses. Nevertheless, Vietnam has also been one of the few countries tha...


Business Recovery in ASEAN After COVID-19

Business Recovery in ASEAN After COVID-19

Southeast Asia has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic as much of the rest of the world. In response, countries across the ASEAN bloc have issued various stimulus packages containing incentives and new regulations to mitigate the economic impact...


Opportunities for Foreign Investors in China’s Service Industries After COVID-...

Opportunities for Foreign Investors in China’s Service Industries After COVID-...

Having suffered through the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak in the initial months of the year, China now offers the world a way to move forward. Key lessons for enterprises in China include the digitization of all contact-facing operations to the utmo...


A Guide to Vietnam’s Supply Chains

A Guide to Vietnam’s Supply Chains

Vietnam’s supply chains have significantly evolved from how they were a decade ago. Today, supply chain shifts to Vietnam are ongoing, helped in some part by the US-China trade war, as a growing number of businesses seek out ASEAN or alternate mark...

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