Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground
China's City Cluster Plan

- October 2018
- Free Access
Our latest podcast explains the evolution of China's urban planning and maps out the road to building 19 super regions throughout the country to sustainably manage an urban population on course to hit 1 billion. Our latest podcast explains the evolu...
Singapore's Transfer Pricing Laws - 2018

- September 2018
- Members Access
On 25 September 2018, an international audience tuned-in to hear our Head of International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Paul Dwyer, our Singapore Tax Manager Richelle Tay and Transfer Pricing Associate Filippo Bortoletti, summarise the new transfer pric...
Singapore's Transfer Pricing Laws - 2018

- September 2018
- Members Access
On 25 September 2018, an international audience tuned-in to hear our Head of International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Paul Dwyer, our Singapore Tax Manager Richelle Tay and Transfer Pricing Associate Filippo Bortoletti, summarise the new transfer pric...
Medical Device Rules of India

- September 2018
- Members Access
On September 19 2018, Riccardo Benussi, Deputy Regional Manager at Dezan Shira & Associates, discussed the new Medical Device Rules of India via a webinar hosted by German Trade and Invest (GTAI). Historically, the India...
China VAT Reform Updates: How Can You Prepare?

- May 2018
- Members Access
In this webinar, Tammy Tian, Corporate Accounting Services Senior Manager at Dezan Shira’s Beijing office will explain and analyze the recent changes made to the Chinese VAT system
Fermenti A Nord-Est: Scienza, Porti, Energia, Informazione, Cultura e Genti?

- May 2018
- Free Access
Luogo” d’incontro per approfondire le notizie degli esteri da una regione che sempre di più è Porta verso l’Est ma, nello stesso tempo, baricentro di un Nord Europa che ha difficoltà a comunicare con il Vicino e...
Employment Conditions Abroad

- April 2018
- Free Access
As the collaboration reaches its fourth year, the Managing Partner of ‘Employment Conditions Abroad – Italy (ECA Italia)’ Stefano Pacifico chats with Dezan Shira & Associates’ Riccardo Benussi on how ECA Italia works and how the two firms col...
Vietnam’s New Transfer Pricing Laws and Environment

- March 2018
- Members Access
What does Vietnam's groundbreaking new transfer pricing laws mean for your business? Head of International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Paul Dwyer, and Associate Transfer Pricing, Filippo Bortoletti, provide a deep-dive into this new environment, with a...
A Sugar-Free Look into the Chinese F&B Market

- December 2017
- Free Access
In this webinar, Dezan Shira & Associates' Riccardo Benussi and The Silk Initiative's Joel Bacall provide a sugar-free look into the legal and commercial aspects of China's fast-growing F&B industry.
Cómo Exportar a China a Través del E-Commerce

- November 2017
- Free Access
En este webinar, impartido por Lorena Miera y Juan Manuel Rojas de los departamentos de Consultoría de Negocios Internacionales y Marketing de nuestras oficinas de Shanghái y Pekín, se compartirá la situación general del comercio online internac...
How To Implement A China Plus One Strategy

- September 2017
- Free Access
Our Senior Associates Dustin Daugherty and Maxfield Brown discuss how businesses can reduce their operating costs and access new markets by adding another location in Asia. This is known as a "China Plus One" strategy.
Salari, imposte sul reddito personale e previdenza sociale a Singapore

- August 2017
- Free Access
Erasmo Indolino, Associato del team di International Business Advisory presso Dezan Shira & Associates, introduce gli elementi essenziali per una corretta gestione dei libri paga a Singapore.
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