Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What do foreign investors setting up a retail business in China need to know abo...

What do foreign investors setting up a retail business in China need to know abo...

The labor market in China is much more fast-paced and dynamic than that of Western countries. This means that Chinese talent is more volatile, faster to change their jobs and has higher expectation to a continuous career and salary development.


What are the current laws regarding wage increase in China?

What are the current laws regarding wage increase in China?

According to China's Employment Promotion Plan, the minimum wage in each jurisdiction in China must be increased at least once every two years; meanwhile, the 2011-15 Five-year Plan stipulates an average increase of 13 percent per year.  As of ...


How are individuals taxed in Hong Kong, and who must file annual tax returns in ...

How are individuals taxed in Hong Kong, and who must file annual tax returns in ...

Individuals are taxed at a progressive rates on their net chargeable income (i.e assessable income after deductions and allowances) starting at 2% and ending at 17% or at a standard rate of 15% on net income (i.e. income after deductions), depending ...


How are employer tax compliance requirements different in India than any other A...

How are employer tax compliance requirements different in India than any other A...

Employers are required to withhold tax on various payments including rent, interest, dividend, royalty, and service income. In this sense, the compliance requirements for employers are more complex in India than in any other countries explored. Busin...


Tipologia di visti cinesi ? 2015

Tipologia di visti cinesi ? 2015

La tabella riporta i cambiamenti principali del 2013 in materia di visti per la Cina.


Demografia degli stranieri in Cina per nazionalita' ? 2015

Demografia degli stranieri in Cina per nazionalita' ? 2015

Lo schema riporta i dati relativi alle dieci nazioni di provenienza alle quali appartengono la maggior parte degli stranieri che risiedono nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese.


Presenza degli stranieri per province cinesi - 2015

Presenza degli stranieri per province cinesi  - 2015

La maggior parte dei lavoratori stranieri in Cina risiede nelle citta’ di primo livello, le cosidette first-tier cities, e sono impiegati da multinazionali.


Given the recent changes to visa regulations in China in 2014, what are the offi...

Given the recent changes to visa regulations in China in 2014, what are the offi...

Both the R and Z-visas are official work visas. For the time being, the Z-visa is the most common type used by foreigners working in China, and will likely remain so, considering the stricter requirements and remaining uncertainty rega...


The Asia Sourcing Guide 2015

The Asia Sourcing Guide 2015

In this issue of Asia Briefing, we explain how and why the Asian sourcing market is changing, compare wage overheads, and look at where certain types of products are being manufactured and exported. We discuss the impact of ASEAN’s Free Trade Ag...


What are some of the commonly encountered problems when hiring Vietnamese staff ...

What are some of the commonly encountered problems when hiring Vietnamese staff ...

The Vietnamese government is currently promoting English education but still many Vietnamese only have a basic level of English. They therefore encounter difficulties in conducting business negiotiations in the language. A lot of Vietnamese ha...


How is overtime pay calculated in Vietnam?

How is overtime pay calculated in Vietnam?

Overtime is calculated based on the employee's current salary. For regular working days it is 150% of their salary, weekends 200% and paid leave days and holidays 300%.


As a foreign worker in Vietnam, which kind of insurance do I need and how much i...

As a foreign worker in Vietnam, which kind of insurance do I need and how much i...

Foreign staff only need to pay for health insurance, whilst Vietnamese locals need to pay for social, unemployment and health insurance. The amount payable is based on the employee's salary as stated in the labour contract and is capped at 20 times t...

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