Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the types of pension offered monthly in India?

What are the types of pension offered monthly in India?

Widows' pension for death while in service. Pension uppon superannuation or disability. Orphan's pension. Children's pension. It should be noted that there are different pension funds for seamen, civil servants, employees in tea plantations i...


General Steps for Gratuity Payment

General Steps for Gratuity Payment

This infographic shows the steps needed to calculate gratuity payment.


Outsourced Payroll Processing Procedure

Outsourced Payroll Processing Procedure

This infographic shows the 7 steps in outsourcing payroll processing.


Introducción: Hacer Negocios en China 2017

Introducción: Hacer Negocios en China 2017

La guía Hacer Negocios en China 2017 está diseñada para introducir los fundamentos de la inversión en China. Compilada por los profesionales de Dezan Shira & Associates, esta guía es ideal, no sólo para las empresas que buscan entrar en el mer...


Calculation of Tax in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas

Calculation of Tax in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas

This infographic shows tax calculations in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, based on an annual income of RS 1,500,000.


What are some of the factors which determine wages in India?

What are some of the factors which determine wages in India?

Wages in India depend on the size of the company, region, and the type of industry. In addition, minimum wages and living costs differ from one state to another. It should be noted that in some establishments, wages must be paid by check or credit in...


IIT Calculation for Annual Bonuses

IIT Calculation for Annual Bonuses

This table shows the optimal compensation package for employees, allowing them to take home the most value within the parameters set by China's tax laws.


Comparison of IIT Liability for Different Salary Packages

Comparison of IIT Liability for Different Salary Packages

This infographic shows how IIT liability varies depending on the monthly or annual salary and annual bonus.


Monthly Taxable Income: Chinese and Foreign Nationals

Monthly Taxable Income: Chinese and Foreign Nationals

This table and the descriptions presents the tax income of both Chinese and Foreign Nationals that involves based Salary, fringe benefits, Mandatory Social Security contribution, and Deductible allowances.


Minimum Financial Investment Requirements for Setting Up a Business in Thailand

Minimum Financial Investment Requirements for Setting Up a Business in Thailand

This infographic shows the capital requirements for setting up different types of entities in Thailand.


Current State of IFRS Adoption in ASEAN

Current State of IFRS Adoption in ASEAN

This infographic shows the current state of IFRS adoption for Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.


Key Differences Between IFRS/IAS and Current Indian Accounting Standards

Key Differences Between IFRS/IAS and Current Indian Accounting Standards

This infographic shows the key differences between IFRS/IAS and current Indian accounting standards.

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