Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Vietnam’s New Transfer Pricing Laws and Environment

Vietnam’s New Transfer Pricing Laws and Environment

What does Vietnam's groundbreaking new transfer pricing laws mean for your business? Head of International Tax and Transfer Pricing, Paul Dwyer, and Associate Transfer Pricing, Filippo Bortoletti, provide a deep-dive into this new environment, with a...


Les Prix de Transfert en Chine: une Année de Nouvelles Règlementations

Les Prix de Transfert en Chine: une Année de Nouvelles Règlementations

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous avons décidé de nous consacrer à l’étude des nouvelles réglementations concernant les prix de transfert en Chine. En effet, les prix de transfert sont rapidement devenus l’une des problématiques clé ...


Nuevas consideraciones al establecer una WFOE en China en 2017

Nuevas consideraciones al establecer una WFOE en China en 2017

En este número de China Briefing se guía al lector a través de una variedad de temas, desde las razones detrás de la preferencia de los inversores extranjeros por la WFOE como modelo de inversión, hasta la gestión de las nuevas regulaciones de ...


India's Free Trade and Double Tax Agreements

India's Free Trade and Double Tax Agreements

In this issue of India Briefing magazine, we take a look at the bilateral and multilateral trade agreements that India currently has in place and highlight the deals that are still in negotiation. We analyze the country’s double tax agreements, and...


Managing China's Financial System

Managing China's Financial System

Foreign investors often find China’s financial system to be one of the most difficult areas to navigate when establishing or growing their presence in the country. Navigating China’s tax system, and its complexities, requires time and commitment....


What does the current account and the capital account refer to in China's foreig...

What does the current account and the capital account refer to in China's foreig...

In the Chinese foreign exchange system, there are two main accounts: the current account and the capital account. The current account applies to ordinary recurring business transactions, including trading receipts and payments, payments of interest o...


De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous tentons de guider les lecteurs à travers les différentes facettes de la structure WFOE et présentons les réformes mises en œuvre par le gouvernement chinois cette année passée, privilégiant à présent ...


Key Developments in China's Transfer Pricing Policy

Key Developments in China's Transfer Pricing Policy

This timeline shows the development of China's Transfer Pricing policy from 1991 to date.


New Considerations when Establishing a China WFOE in 2017

New Considerations when Establishing a China WFOE in 2017

In this edition of China Briefing, we guide readers through a range of topics, from the reasons behind foreign investors’ preference for the WFOE as an investment model, to managing China’s new regulations. We discuss how economic transformations...


Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Début 2012, la Chine a débuté une réforme massive de son système fiscal en lançant le remplacement de sa “taxe sur les affaires” (“business tax” ou “BT”) par la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (“TVA”). Avant cette réforme, la TVA n...


What SMEs need to know: Tax and Accounting Update 2016-2017

What SMEs need to know: Tax and Accounting Update 2016-2017

In this presentation, Senior Associate of Dezan Shira & Associates’ International Business Advisory team, Maria Kotova, gives an update on tax and accounting in China in 2016. VAT Reform and Transfer Pricing are analyzed in depth and are presented ...


Evaluating China's VAT Reform

Evaluating China's VAT Reform

At the beginning of 2012, China began a massive overhaul of its tax system by initiating the replacement of business tax (BT) with value-added tax (VAT). Prior to the reform, VAT was levied only on the sale and import of tangible goods and on the pro...

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