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Digitalize Your Business in China: E-Business Licenses and E-Chops Explained



China is increasingly promoting the use of electronic business licenses with the aim of gradually digitalizing business incorporation.

While travel restrictions and uncertainties caused by COVID-19 remain, e-business licenses and e-chops have become an essential part and optimal solution for business operations and company set up in China.

In this webinar, Viktor Rojkov, Senior Associate of International Business Advisory, discusses how businesses can move from a physical brick-and-mortar presence toward integrating digital solutions into their day-to-day business operations. He will also explain how China’s local policies and authorities are progressing with digitalization of the traditional systems to streamline the entry of new businesses into the market as well as help existing businesses operate smoothly and in compliance.

Outline of the webinar: 

  • The current difficulties of running and setting up businesses in China

  • The importance of company chops, certificates, and licenses for businesses in China

  • Introduction of digital solutions for business set up and making your business fully operational

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