Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



ConsignIndex: China Professional Service Marketing Outlook 2016

ConsignIndex: China Professional Service Marketing Outlook 2016

This issue presents marketing challenges and common difficulties faced by professional service companies in China. Over the past 6 months, ConsignIndex surveyed more than 200 B2B marketers in the professional service industry via questionnaires & fac...


Transfer Pricing in China

Transfer Pricing in China

When a business transaction occurs between businesses that are controlled by the same entity, the price is not determined by market forces, but by the entity controlling the two businesses. This is called transfer pricing. Such transactions can serve...


Company Deregistration in China

Company Deregistration in China

Closing down a company requires both time and cost – simply walking away might seemingly save the investor these expenses in the short term. However, for investors with a future perspective on doing business in China or looking to close potentia...


Upgrading Your China Business

Upgrading Your China Business

Representative Offices in China are not permitted to trade and cannot have their own import-export licenses. In this report we discuss why foreign companies in China increasingly choose to move away from Representative Offices (ROs) and open up Wholl...


Payroll in Asia 2015

Payroll in Asia 2015

Payroll covers all aspects of paying a company’s employees. This includes making sure that salaries are paid in the correct amount and on time, that income tax is withheld, and that social security contributions are made. With a region as fast-p...


Health: China’s Revolution

Health: China’s Revolution

Over the past 10 years China has been reforming its health care system and is attempting to reduce the huge health gap between urban and rural areas where almost one million of barefoot doctors – often trained very late to medical technologies ...


Green Urban Planning

Green Urban Planning

New migration waves towards the big industrial hubs, lack of space on the coastal areas, huge pollution rates… “The coming years will be very critical”, American researcher James Canton predicted in 2010. “China will need to meet ...


Dare to Start Your Business in China

Dare to Start Your Business in China

"Far from being a new Eldorado, the Chinese market has proven extremely difficult to get into. In order to succeed in China, you must quickly learn the language and invest a lot of your energy”, warned the sinologist Jean-Luc DOMENACH a few year...


Innovation & New Technologies: China–From “The World’s Factory” to “Th...

Innovation & New Technologies: China–From “The World’s Factory” to “Th...

China is facing major scientific and technological challenges abroad while locally catching up on both R&D and innovation. The reinforcement of policies to support innovation is one of the main priorities of the Chinese authorities’ “Nation...


France-China: 50 years of Sino-French diplomatic ties

France-China: 50 years of Sino-French diplomatic ties

The diplomatic ties between France and the People’s Republic of China were established on 27th January 1964 under the visionary impulse of General de Gaulle. “France became one of the first Western nations to appoint an ambassador in Beijin...


Business relations between French SMEs and industrial groups in China

Business relations between French SMEs and industrial groups in China

This issue of Connexions gets a snapshot of French SMEs and French industrial groups’ ties in China. The magazine shows how both of these actors would benefit from strengthened relations - qualified as “decisive” by a 2011 report from ...


La guerre du retail : Quelles sont les stratégies gagnantes ? automne 2013

La guerre du retail : Quelles sont les stratégies gagnantes ? automne 2013

Chine, l’eldorado du retail ? Pas si sûr. Certes, son énorme vivier de consommateurs fait rêver mais il aiguise aussi les appétits des grands compétiteurs de la distribution. Quelles sont alors les initiatives et les stratégies...

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