Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground
Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

- September 2016
- Members Access
In unserem aktuellen Magazin „Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen“ beschäftigen wir uns mit Freihandelsabkommen in Asien. Debatten über den Abbau von Zöllen und anderen Handelsbarrieren zur Erleichterung des Handels werden oft auf mult...
Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele - Chinas Initiative ,Neue Seidenstraße'

- June 2016
- Members Access
Zum zweiten Quartal 2016 veröffentlichen wir das Magazin „Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele – Chinas Initiative ‚Neue Seidenstraße´“, in der wir über die institutionelle Ausrichtung der Volksrepublik China auf der OBOR berichten. Hierbei gehen ...
Agreement Between The Government Of The Republic Of Singapore And The Government...

- May 2015
- Free Access
Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income to promote and strengthen the economic relations and to provide for greater cooperation in tax matters between Singapore and Uzbekista...
Convention Between The Government Of The Kingdom Of Thailand And The Government ...

- May 2015
- Free Access
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income between Thailand and Uzbekistan.
What is the purpose of the New Silk Road Free Trade Area?

- January 2015
- Free Access
The New Silk Road connects South and Central Asia with the Middle East and Europe much like China’s Han Dynasty Silk Road, established more than two thousand years ago. It is a demonstration of President Xi Jinping’s economic efforts to e...
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Uzbekistan and Singapore

- November 2008
- Free Access
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Uzbekistan and Singapore
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Malaysia and Uzbekistan

- January 2000
- Free Access
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Malaysia and Uzbekistan
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Thailand and Uzbekistan

- July 1999
- Free Access
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Thailand and Uzbekistan
Double Taxation Agreement between India and Uzbekistan

- November 1996
- Free Access
Double Taxation Agreement between India and Uzbekistan
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Indonesia and the Uzbekistan

- August 1996
- Free Access
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Indonesia and the Uzbekistan
Bilateral Investment Treaty between Uzbekistan and Indonesia

- August 1996
- Free Access
Bilateral Investment Treaty between Uzbekistan and Indonesia
Double Taxation Agreement between China and Uzbekistan

- July 1996
- Free Access
Double Taxation Agreement between China and Uzbekistan
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