Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground
DBA in Asien

- November 2014
- Free Access
Die Grafik verdeutlicht wie die asiatischen Staaten mit dem Rest der Welt anhand der Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen verknüpft sind.
La Shanghai Free Trade Zone compie un anno. Come è cambiato il quadro per gli i...

- November 2014
- Members Access
Nel secondo numero di Asia Briefing, lâItalian Desk di Dezan Shira & Associates orienta gli operatori italiani nella panoramica sulla Shanghai Free Trade Zone, ad un anno dalla sua inaugurazione.
ASEAN's Free Trade Agreements
- September 2014
- Free Access
This chart shows a an overview of ASEAN member's overlapping free trade agreements (FTAs) with one another.
Predicted Growth in ASEAN Medical Device Market
- September 2014
- Free Access
This chart displays a country by country comparison for predicted growth in the medical device industry across ASEAN.
ASEAN Tariff Lines
- September 2014
- Free Access
This chart shows a country-by-country comparison of tariff lines for ASEAN members.
Quali sono i tipi di Visti per la Malesia?

- August 2014
- Free Access
La malesia ha una politica dei visti flessibile che permette alla maggior parte dei cittadini esteri di entrare senza obbligo di un visto per viaggi d’affari se questi non durano più di 90 giorni. I tipi di visti sono due: Sin...
Manufacturing Hubs Across Emerging Asia

- July 2014
- Members Access
In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we explore several of the regionâs most competitive and promising manufacturing locales including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Exploring a wide variety of factors such as ...
Che cosa L?ASEAN?

- July 2014
- Free Access
L’ASEAN, Associazione delle Nazioni del Sud-est Asiatico, è stata fondata nel 1967 e riunisce dieci paesi asiatici in un blocco di scambio economico. Ne fanno parte Brunei, Cambogia, Indonesia, Laos, Malesia, Filippine, Birmania, Sing...
Entwicklungszonen in Asien

- December 2013
- Free Access
Die Infografik stellt kurz und knapp die einzelnen Entwicklungszonen in asiatischen Ländern dar.
How do general anti-avoidance rules work in Asia?

- November 2013
- Free Access
General Anti-Avoidance Rules function according to the “substance over form” principle. The rules give relevant tax authorities the right to withhold or to deny tax benefits that transactions might expect to enjoy, if it is clear that the...
The Importance of ASEAN for American Companies

- October 2013
- Free Access
Dezan Shira & Associates Founder, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, answers important questions about ASEAN and its importance for American companies doing business in Asia.
?Eine Einfhrung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen? prsentiert vom German Desk

- August 2013
- Free Access
In diesem Podcast wird das Konzept einer Entwicklungszone und die Vorteile für ausländische Investoren erläutert, die in den aufstrebenden asiatischen Märkten tätig werden wollen.
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