Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Registered Capital of FDI Projects Licensed 1 January-20 September 2015

Registered Capital of FDI Projects Licensed 1 January-20 September 2015

This infographic compares the registered capital for foreign direct investment projects licensed in various countries between January 1, 2015 to September 20, 2015.


Explaining Monthly Payroll Work in China: What Does Your Payroll Manager Do?

Explaining Monthly Payroll Work in China: What Does Your Payroll Manager Do?

This presentation by David Niu, Corporate Accounting Services Manager in Dezan Shira and Associates' Beijing office, discusses the basics of a monthly payroll system, with a sample timeline illustrating every step that should be taken.


Agreement Between The Government Kingdom Of Thailand And The Government Of The H...

Agreement Between The Government Kingdom Of Thailand And The Government Of The H...

Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income between Thailand and Hong Kong.




Körperschaftsteuer in Asien


Indirekte Steuern

Indirekte Steuern

Indirekte Steuern in Asien


Krperschaftsteuer: Anforderung und Prfung

Krperschaftsteuer: Anforderung und Prfung

Eine Übersicht der Anforderungen der Körperschaftsteuer in ASEAN sowie den Ländern China, Hong Kong und Indien


Ease of Paying Tax Rankings

Ease of Paying Tax Rankings

Ein Ranking des Schwierigkeitsgrades Steuern zu zahlen "Ease of Paying Tax", der ASEAN Länder sowie Hong Kong, China, Deutschland, den U.S.A., Italien und Indien


Einkommensteuer und Durchschnittseinkommen

Einkommensteuer und Durchschnittseinkommen

Daten zum Durchschnittseinkommen von der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation.


What are the differences between the Chinese Accounting Standard (CAS) and the I...

What are the differences between the Chinese Accounting Standard (CAS) and the I...

Despite the ongoing convergence towards international standards, one must be aware of the following differences: Choosing a valuation method; China Accounting Standards (CAS) only allows fixed assets to be valued according to their historical cost...


What are the expectations for the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP)...

What are the expectations for the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP)...

The 2014 Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) is expected to be adopted by all medium and large-sized enterprises across Mainland China. The new PRC GAAP consists of: One basic standard providing guidance on practical issues 41 specific...


What is 'mapping' in China?

What is 'mapping' in China?

As foreign companies follow different standards, the information from the Chinese subsidiary must be translated to fit into overseas parent company books. This procedure is known as mapping. There are two points to consider: 1. The divergence of Ch...


How is accounting currency determined in China?

How is accounting currency determined in China?

When a company chiefly does business in  non-local currency, it then may choose the currency in which to conduct its accounting. When choosing currency, the company must consider the following factors: If the currency influences the sales pri...

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