Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Advantage Vietnam: Optimizing Supply Chains and Accessing Key ASEAN Markets

Advantage Vietnam: Optimizing Supply Chains and Accessing Key ASEAN Markets

This edition of Vietnam Briefing Magazine aims to provide an overview of Vietnam’s role in the ASEAN trading bloc. This includes the changing nature of supply chains in the region, where Vietnam fits, and the free trade agreements governing interre...


Transfer Pricing Issues for Foreign Companies in Vietnam – A Practical Overvie...

Transfer Pricing Issues for Foreign Companies in Vietnam – A Practical Overvie...

The Vietnamese tax authorities have significantly increased their focus on transfer pricing issues in tax audits and inspections in the last few years. In this respect, the tax authorities have made it clear that they would concentrate on transfer pr...


Exploring Indonesia’s Top Investment Sectors: Midyear Recap and FDI Exploratio...

Exploring Indonesia’s Top Investment Sectors: Midyear Recap and FDI Exploratio...

As the largest economy in Southeast Asia and projected to become the world’s 7th largest economy by 2030, Indonesia continues to present opportunities for growth. With a substantial consumer base, various sectors being opened for foreign invest...


Establishing a Family Office in Singapore

Establishing a Family Office in Singapore

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the factors that make Singapore the ideal destination for a family office. We then explore the family office structure and entities setup. Finally, we demonstrate the key requirement...


Extending an ERP to Asia: When and How to Implement a Global ERP

Extending an ERP to Asia: When and How to Implement a Global ERP

Phoebe Yan discusses the 3 main factors companies choosing to adapt their ERP need to be mindful of when implementing a localization project.


Tax, Accounting, and Audit in Vietnam 2023

Tax, Accounting, and Audit in Vietnam 2023

This edition of Tax, Accounting, and Audit Guide for 2023, produced in collaboration with our tax experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, aims to provide an overview of taxes for businesses and individuals in Vietnam, as well as fundamental accounting, ...


Indonesia’s Representative Offices: Enable Your Business with Optimized Cost C...

Indonesia’s Representative Offices: Enable Your Business with Optimized Cost C...

With its abundant and skilful workforce, competitive labour costs and expanding consumer market, Indonesia creates an attractive destination for investors. Yet, seizing this potential can be challenging — navigating complex regulations, unravel...


Exploring Vietnam's Import & Export Landscape: Status, Regulations, and Promisin...

Exploring Vietnam's Import & Export Landscape: Status, Regulations, and Promisin...

With resilience and adaptability to global challenges, Vietnam continues to emerge as not only a global manufacturing hub but also an increasingly important market economy. While the United States remains by far the largest export partner with almos...


Restructuring Your Vietnam Company to Survive, Stabilize, and Succeed

Restructuring Your Vietnam Company to Survive, Stabilize, and Succeed

After last year’s remarkable post-pandemic growth surge with unprecedented GDP growth of over 8%, Vietnam experienced a significant economic slowdown in the first half of 2023, leading forecasters to revise growth projections for the year from ...


Expanding to Asia: Questions to Ask Before Market Entry

Expanding to Asia: Questions to Ask Before Market Entry

Marco Förster, Head of ASEAN Advisory, discusses a few of the costly mistakes businesses make when expanding into Asia.


Vietnam's Foreign Investment Trends - Private Equity, Energy Transition, Infrast...

Vietnam's Foreign Investment Trends - Private Equity, Energy Transition, Infrast...

This latest publication by Asia Investment Research aims to offer comprehensive data on energy transition, infrastructure, and capital flows in foreign direct investment (FDI) within Vietnam. Our research provides readers with detailed insights, some...


Unlocking Opportunities in ASEAN – Utilizing Potentials with Cross-Regional Ex...

Unlocking Opportunities in ASEAN – Utilizing Potentials with Cross-Regional Ex...

With the potential to benefit both local businesses and foreign direct investments (FDIs), ASEAN presents a compelling market for expansion. From strategic location benefits to thriving sectors, each country has distinct offerings that can propel you...

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