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Project details

Automotive OEM Parts Manufacturer from Turkey - Seeking Investor for Growth

Project region Turkey
Industry Automotive
Total value of the target N/A
Expected target net rate of return after deducting all taxes and fees N/A
Validity period of pending order 181


  • Simon Laube

    Simon Laube

    Assistant Manager, International Business Advisory

Project highlights OEM Parts - Ford Q1 - 40% Growth Target
Project description

The Turkey based seller is a well-known automotive OEM & Aftermarket parts manufacturer producing gas spring, steering parts, and dampers, among others. The company has high quality & QC standards (ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, Ford Q1 with ISO27001 in progress) and a certified R&D center. Year-end sales in 2020 reached almost USD 6.5 million with an EBITDA of 30%. The 2021 sales growth target is 40% year-on-year. The company is exporting globally through a US entity with vast network and spare parts portfolio. Their growth ambitions are in product and market diversification, as well as faster product development. The company employs 200 staff and has 11,000 square meters of production area with a customized CPM-Master ERP system in place. There is room for extending the production facilities.

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