Liming Zhang

Manager Qingdao Office


Liming Zhang manages the Dezan Shira & Associates Qingdao office. In his position, Liming supervises RO, WFOE, FICE and JV incorporation procedures, and handles accounting and bookkeeping procedures on behalf of clients.

Prior to joining Dezan Shira & Associates in 2010, he worked for five years at wholly foreign owned enterprises, where he held responsibilities concerning human resources and IT as well as accounting and finance

Liming received his Social Science degree from Harbin Institute of Technology. He is also a Certified Public Accountant with over ten years of managerial experience across several industries, including manufacturing, trading and services. Liming has taught economics at the Qingdao Education College. He is fluent in both Chinese and English. 


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Additional Info

  • Office

    Qingdao Office
  • Languages

    Chinese, Mandarin, English