Overview of Hong Kong and Singapore Holding Companies

Shenzhen, China | April 22, 2013

While a variety of locations are excellent for holding company establishment in terms of tax and administrative efficiency, due to geographical proximity, a majority of SMEs choose Hong Kong holding companies for their China investments. But for investors looking to invest in China “and beyond,” Singapore is looking increasingly appealing as a holding company destination. In this presentation, we take a closer look at the benefits of both Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies, how to establish and maintain a company in each of these jurisdictions, and the relevant double tax agreements. Including:

  • The Benefits of Holding Companies for Foreign Investment
  • Establishing and Maintaining Hong Kong and Singapore Companies
  • A Look at Double Tax Agreements



Room C125 (building C, 1st floor)
CampusShenzhen Graduate School of Peking University
Lishui Road 2199, Xili Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Peking University Shenzhen


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