Game Between Spear of Law and Shield of Commerce – Discussion on Constantly Toned-Down China Economy and Increasingly Volatile Investment Environment

Beijing, China | December 23, 2014

As the end of the year 2014 approaches, we can see that this year the Chinese economy has been greatly reformed. The Chinese economy, facing numerous challenges from abroad, has gone from strength to strength and has continued to steadily develop. With the introduction of these reforms, markets were strengthened and China’s economic climate has improved. This year, the Chinese government also introduced many economic policies. As we say farewell to 2014, we are preparing for an economic conference and are wondering from a legal, tax and economic prospective, how the Chinese economy will develop in the future.

Sabrina Zhang and Hannah Feng from Dezan Shira & Associates will present at the this year's Fireside Chat organzied by Thai Chamber of Commerce in China.
Through dialogue based on actual events you will get answers to the following questions:

Dialogue 1: How to utilize cross-border cash flow from both regulatory, foreign exchange and tax perspective?
Dialogue 2: How to ensure the legal and tax compliance during the daily operation in China?
Dialogue 3: How do China’s Company Law and related regulation updates affect the company’s establishment and operation in China?
Dialogue 4: How to protect the IP rights inside and outside of China? How to manage the payment in terms of IP rights owned by overseas related parties to avoid unwanted tax bureau scrutiny? What are the concerned issues relating to the law and tax under the IP licensing agreements?

About the Speakers:
Sabrina Zhang, CPA, is the China National Tax Partner at DezanShira& Associates China offices. Sabrina is experienced in the fields of tax planning, corporate structuring, and accounting & financing issues relating to foreign invested enterprises. She advises international investors in China on tax matters on a national basis. Sabrina has over 18 years of experience in accounting, auditing and tax advisory services to both international businesses in China and large domestic corporations.
Sabrina is also an in-demand speaker at international events on legal, tax and financial issues in China. She was bestowed the Star Speaker Award by Bloomberg BNA in 2014, an accreditation given only to the top 5% of speakers who present at Bloomberg's international events and conferences.

Hannah Feng is the senior manager of Corporate Accounting Services in the Beijing office of DezanShira& Associates. For the past seven years since joining DezanShira& Associates, Hannah has focused on managing financial reviews and tax and accounting services for foreign invested enterprises, and has a thorough knowledge of both domestic and international finance, accounting and tax regulations.
Hannah was awarded a Master’s degree in finance from Tianjin University and a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Nankai University. She is also qualified as a PRC Certified Tax Agent (CTA).

Event detail:
Time: 14:00----17:00
Cost:Members RMB260 Non Members RMB 320
            Include: Tea Break, Welcome gifts Bags, Lucky draw
R.S.V.P: Ricky Cao  
                Mitchail Yang
For more event information, please visit event page here
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